In From The Spirit Quest

in from the spirit quest

 An old friend shared some of their photographs from the seventies.  This shot was taken on an afternoon when a southeasterly gale had come up over night, forcing all the boats into port.

Fishing had been good leading up to the stormy day, so everyone had a nice pile of coho for the buyer.

Storm days always started a couple hours before daylight, wind shrieking through the rigging, parachute lead as tight as the wires in a baby grand. Plotting the course for town in the last hour before daylight.  Slogging along for hours on end in the rough sea, inching our way toward shelter.

From here, it is almost hard to imagine the buzz we got coming off the ragged ocean,  rafting up next to friends at LaPush Fish Co, parties in the boats all up and down the floats.


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