thrift store goggles

Took nearly a half year sorting through the thrift store sporting equipment box to come up with the pair of goggles I wanted.
Not sure I would select the pink front at the sporting goods store, but for two dollars a pair, who cares about that?   These fit around the outside of my eye sockets, which is a more comfortable, and the clear lens is also an improvement.  Dark tinted lenses are depressing, especially during winter.

Had to laugh at myself.  Struggled with constantly fogged up lenses for the first three or four months swimming, then one day looked over and saw a guy spit into his goggles.   As kids, Sea Hunt filled our imaginations. Swim fins, mask, and snorkels along the edges of Lake Entiat every day all summer.  Always spit in the mask. Funny what one forgets from childhood.

At least once each workout I push off the wall at the deep end glide down and touch, give homage to boyhood dreams.  View around the pool with my new goggles is spectacular.  Something about the optics that I don't understand gives me the illusion of corrected vision under water.

Even found and retrieved my earplugs the other day with the help of the Speedos. One plug came out somewhere along the lane, figured it to be gone forever, then the other one dropped into the deepest part of the pool.  Actually got myself down to pick it off the bottom, then spotted and grabbed the other out of five feet of water on the way back up the pool.  Surprised me to do the underwater work, seems like my ass just wants to bob to the surface like a crab buoy these days.

On the other hand, in a classic case of be careful what you want, now as I'm gurgling along trying to get that perfect breath where half the lower lens is still in the water then focus on the bottom just a few degrees ahead of straight down to maximize the hydrodynamic profile of my body in the water I sometimes notice objects floating along a few feet below me the origin of which I do not want to know.


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