mamm's eyes or rain pants in the dumpster
'just a little loss of courage as their age began to show' Mearl sings about his momma's eyes. Loss of courage for me as my age began to show around the middle the last time I pulled these Hally Hansen bibs over my blue genes and flannel shirt, the old boy needs to crawl under the house.
Can't remember why. Extension cord and light and I make it through the easy part, brush an age dried rat out of my way, remove the cover to the main part of the house, peer into the jungle of cobwebs that exist mere inches under our feet up in people world. This ain't people's world down there, but for the first time in my life, no second but that's a different story, I felt claustrophobic. Especially at the prospect of squeezing between floor support beams and the cement footing. Tight squeeze ten years ago, I'd probably get stuck, arms and legs wiggling around to no avail. 911.
Starts out as a general complaint to the boys, 'oooh I'm getting too old for this, half-joke, then all of a sudden hardly enough time goes by that it shouldn't count for anything and it's no longer the joke. Really could run into serious trouble under the house, lose balance and tumble off the roof. The ground comes up fast and hard. Old man stays on the ground these days.
Toss an old pair of rain pants in the trash and a guy wants to review his entire live.
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