dog bite

Miscommunication, story of my life. Symba scampers into my room, waits to jump up on the bed until invited then we both settle into a nap. Little buddy.

These days I live a lot like a house cat, nap about ten minutes every hour, then up and refreshed ready to do whatever it is I do between naps. Symba, still half asleep on the bed and I'm slipping one foot into a shoe, mindlessly reach over and stroke the tuft of hair under his ear. Soft.

He is a Papillon. Heather keeps most of the hair cut short and puts him in tight-fitting jackets, leaving tufts of hair sweeping back from his face under his ears, ever so cute. He has a different opinion. Don't touch me there, please.

Interesting in a way, I really don't want to be touched in that exact part of my body either. Not sure I'd bite someone if they tried to stroke me there and with my old worn-out teeth. Symba has young sharp teeth.

He told me twice. Miscommunication. Our dearly departed Tito used to make a little moaning sound when he liked something. Symba's growl is almost identical to Tito's moan.

Gave me enough time to move the hand after the second warning, then snap, and geez he's fast. My second dog bite in the past few months and one of the nurses at the walk-in clinic remembered me, pitched me shit about not getting my hand out of the way fast enough, and I told her I'd report the harassment when corporate sends me the after visit evaluation form. I've heard people can get fired over bad evaluations so I always put top marks even if someone rubbed me wrong.

Went in to get the antibiotic prescription. Doc looked at it of course then typed the order into her computer, amoxicillin take with meals twice a day for a week.

Dog bite can be slow to heal. That nip I got last winter left a red mark on the back of my right index finger that doesn't show any sign of going away. Guess one can't get through life without taking a few shots.

We will be a lot more careful handling Symba from now on of course, but he is still a cute, sweet little guy, just on his terms. Aren't we all?


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