Lately, I stumbled across the subreddit r/askwomen and have been fascinated by seeing a woman's perspective on stuff that blows over a man's head. Some would say choose to ignore, but I deny.

I'm older, in my seventies and long out of the relationship game. Used to say, to myself because there never has been anyone around to listen, the only thing I liked about marriage was not having the hassle of finding the next girlfriend. 

A conversation caught my attention recently that touched on situations  I've experienced, and believe me it's not fun for the man either. The question, "How do you react when a guy you thought of as a buddy, friend for a long time asks for an intimate relationship?"

I never could pull it off, but that always struck me as the best way to build a long-term partnership with a woman. Find out things about each other that are hidden by the thrill of a new intimate relationship. If you already got along, enjoy one another's company for years without boy/girl stuff even entering the picture, you will get along just fine when the bloom is off the rose. Won't you?

But no. The top comments were of the consensus that it's borderline creepy when the buddy friend says "can we talk ...  

So then another conversation turns to OLD and everyone seems comfortable with messaging some galoot a few times then hopping into bed the first date.  Maybe say something about shouldn't have or whatever, but the tender date gets laid and the long-time buddy friend who hits her up gets the bums rush.

At least help the poor guy with his OLD profile so he can get laid too?


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