the procedure

Last week I had a minor surgical procedure that required anesthesia. They told me the drugs that went into the IV but I'm happily bombed out of my mind the rest of the day and don't really care.  Mild amnesia is part of the expected effect anyway.

The next day I'm mindlessly browsing  YouTube when a new face appears. Anesthesiologist in a hospital somewhere talking about how he puts people under. The first two drugs he shows are the drugs they gave me yesterday.

WooWoo or extreme customer tracking?  I get drugs I never heard of before, never saw a video by an anesthesiologist before even though there are some medical doc content presenters that I see.  Suddenly a doc is presenting the two drugs I got and explaining how they work.  

We're so used to seeing ads in our social media feeds that reflect our web searches, sometimes I see ads for things I just thought about but never searched.  Is everything so interconnected that when I'm scheduled for a day at the hospital, medical-oriented youtube videos that are specific to my personal experience start popping up in my suggested content feeds?



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