facebook friends

Starting in the third grade with Enid Fischer I've always had at least one major crush going on in my life.  Someone other than wife or girlfriend who will probably never know she is being idolized.

 I've often wondered what it is that makes that one person stand out from the others.  As if only she is in sharp focus, the rest of the world fades away to shadows in her wake.  

Since it is only a crush with no chance of ever taking things a step further in the real world, why not go ahead and imagine she is that perfect woman you always longed to meet.  Leonard Cohen's Suzanne. 

So then along comes Facebook.  

Within a few short months, more than one ETHEREAL GODDESS PERSONIFIED morphed into a CRAZY CAT LADY.      

A little bloom faded from a rose one would never have plucked still comes with a hint of disappointment.  

Maybe a good thing for an old man to be reminded that the grass is about the same on both sides of the fence.


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