Goodbye FSM Friend
Recognized him by the gate and outfit. Powerful stocky man who obsessively dressed in wool. Big red star on wool cap yesterday, six and a half foot walking stick with a wicked sharp carbide spike on the tip under a wood cap. Wondered if it would pierce Kevlar.
Just retired last time I he came through several months ago. Strong union job good pension, splurged on a Mercedes camper van. He had my envy.
When he came my direction I called out How is the life of leisure agreeing with you? Stumbling to find a word or two I've got terminal cancer. Body seemed to be melting away from his still strong dark eyes.
First summer we were in the market, way down the street space 80, Mary Jane had a wool poncho that caught Rich's attention. He and Gail chatted and bickered a little about his thing for wool. He strode up the street in the poncho. After that, we always had a bit of a chat every time they came through.
He always reminded me of a college buddy, both of them into making beer. We happened to see them on the ferry ramp going out to the San Juans one summer, Rich going to participate in a contra dance camp, Gail hike around Mt Constitution. He was a longshoreman. Don't know if she worked. On time he brought me a pint of his homebrew, good strong ail.
Yesterday they made quite a couple. Rich in browns and greys Gail in bright shades or orange side by side out of the dark garage into the sunlight. Probably never see either of them again.
Got word today Rich passed on his birthday, Jan 12, 2018. Tear in my eye, better get a pint of beer to toast his passing - Rich was into making his own beer, brought me a pint one time, decent ale.