kill an earworm or the power of advertising

Funny little earworm. Realized not long ago that every time I brush my teeth the Colgate jingle Buffalo Bob sang on the Mickey Mouse Club echoes through my head.

Growing up our family used Crest.

Brush your teeth with Colgate, Colgate dental cream
It cleans your breath - what a toothpaste!
While it cleans your teeth.

Amazed we thought Buffalo Bob Smith was a real cowboy and we lived in a couple cow towns growing up seeing real ranch hand shuffle in and out the downtown taverns. Not sure the guy on TV would have fit into that scene.  Smell of those places out the open doors in hot weather filled my little imagination with images of mystery and awe.

Is it possible that jingle has been rattling around my mind every time I brushed since nineteen fifty-six?  Hard to tell.

When I got the idea to write this story it occurred to me that purchasing the tube of Colgate so that I could snap a photo for the blog, meant that the ad jingle had finally made the sale.  Took sixty years, but here I am reaching for the Colgate every morning.  No way of knowing if it really cleans my breath, but one can hope.

Several weeks use to get the tube looking the way I want for the blog photo makes me think of my dad.  Obsessed with squeezing tubes from the bottom, and here I am showing my tube thumb squeezed any old place just to get a used look for the illustration.  He thought thumbing a tube at the top was a sign of poor character.

The old metal tubes ones rolled up tight, no need to cut them open for the last ten percent of the toothpaste that sticks to the inside of modern plastic tubes.  But then we used to melt the metal ones in the fire, pour the lead into little molds.  Wouldn't have really been lead in toothpaste tubes, would it?

Week or so after starting with the Colgate I noticed that the earworm was gone.  Not that the jingle doesn't roll over my mind if I think about it, but the automatic start every time I reach for the toothbrush doesn't fire off anymore.

Wonder if I'll hear it again if I get Tom's next time?


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