Old Men do lighting and the updated Photo Booth

new photo lights
latest tripod lamp project

The other day MJ saw me working on this tripod lamp and came home from picking the next day with a couple of lights she thought might make fun tripod lamp projects as well.  My mind is open on the decorative potential for them, but my heart almost skipped a beat when I realized what they are.  600w 3200°k photo lamps.  Revolutionize our photo booth lighting at long last.

most eBay photography is macro

the old setup with clip on work lights on tripods

On a thrift store budget, I used bright cfls in clip-on utility lamps, attached to old photo tripods with c-clamps and bungees.  Editing the color balance drove me around the bend sometimes.  Looks too pink on one screen, too green on the other.  Now I got white light!   

Ironic.  Business is running at a fraction of what we did in the glory years (1999 - 2014) but now we got decent photo lighting.  


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